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eid_stamp.jpgkwanzaa.jpgWikipedia defines “duodecimal” as: … a numeral system using twelve as its base.

In celebration of as many holiday traditions as we can think of, and for other not so good reasons like it sounds FUN, TGTBTU is bringing to its readers a series of posts containing lists of 12!

There will be posts containing lists of 12 hotties, 12 books to hate, 12 books to buy your kid or your sweetie or your mom, 12 things not to do while blogging, 12 things not to do after reading a bad review, 12 things to do after reading a wonderful review, and many more.

hanukkah.jpgThese lists will be written by some of your favorite bloggers, authors, commenters, and various and sundry other denizens of Romancelandia.

So, without further ado, I give you…
