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Okay, so these are true stories. Honest. I’m from a long line of Englishmen and Irishmen. I believe in ghosties and things that can’t be seen. Otherwise, life would be no fun.

When I was very young we had a neighbor who had a serious drinking problem. One night my sister woke up and saw flames coming from his house. Turns out that he had been drinking, turned on the gas stove, lit a cigarette, and then fell asleep on the couch in his dining room. (Clarification — I grew up in rural Nova Scotia where it was common to have a sofa, or ‘chesterfield’ in or around the kitchen. Don’t ask me why.)

Anyway, this old fella used to look in our windows and come to visit when he was alive and I guess he saw no reason for that to discontinue just because he was dead. To this day I refuse to sit in front of a certain window in my old house at night because I’m convinced he’s looking in.

One night, shortly after the fire, my mother and I were alone in the living room watching TV. The kitchen door was locked and when I heard the knob rattle I went to see who was there. Only no one was there. And we hadn’t heard anyone come into the porch — or leave.

Around the same time my mother saw a shadow pass across our kitchen. The shadow was the same shape as our deceased neighbor, and she swears it was definitely a man. She said the dead man’s name and two glasses on opposite ends of the sink flew together and smashed. My mother told her guest “that’s enough, now” and he went away.  Ghostly Wail

Years earlier, when I was about three years old, I was chasing my grandmother’s fat tom cat (ironically named ‘Tiny’) through her house. I chased him to the bottom of the main stairs, beside what was originally the front parlor. This house was of the Victorian era and my grandparents bought it in the ’70’s when they moved back to Nova Scotia from Toronto — so it had a history long before they arrived.

When Tiny and I reached the foot of the stairs, he looked up — and every lick of fur on his back stood straight up on end. I looked up the stairs and saw two women in long dresses coming toward me. I still remember what they looked like.

It would be another twenty years before I saw them again — in an old photo my mother showed me. It was taken around the early part of the 2oth century in front of what was to become my grandmother’s house. The photo was black and white but I knew which woman was which and the hair color of each — even though I’d never met them. My mother was able to confirm it, because my grandmother had identified the women to her. Both of them died before I was born.

One more about my grandmother’s house. When I was in my teens, my grandmother (long since widowed) decided to go away for a week. My mother and I were asked to check in on the house. Since it was only 1/4 of a mile away, I’d often walk down to water plants and make sure everything was okay.

One day while I was standing in her sun porch, at the foot of the stairs that led to what we called ‘The Kitchen Chamber’ (a large room above the kitchen, oddly enough), I felt a ‘presence’ on the stairs behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck bristled and the flesh there tingled. I remember my palms went moist and my heart was in my throat. I just knew that if I turned around there would be someone there watching me, and I was terrified of who it might be.

Obviously, whoever it was didn’t think I should be there without my grandmother home. So, I said aloud, “Nan’s away. I’m just here to water the plants. It’s all right.” I’m not sure how long I stood there, too scared to turn around, but eventually the feeling passed and I braved a glance over my shoulder. Nothing.

Nevertheless I didn’t waste anymore time there than I had to. I practically ran all the way home, my legs shaking. When I told my mother what had happened she just nodded and said, “My brother said he saw an old woman in there one night, but mom accused him of being drunk.” See, the funny part is that my grandmother never had experienced anything strange in that house. If she did, she never said anything. It was only those of us who didn’t ‘belong’ that ever saw or heard anything.

My grandmother died a couple of years ago and her house sold. Shortly after he bought it, the man put it up for sale again. Most people believe it was because of financial difficulties, but there are others who claim he saw a ghost. Joke or not, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had, although I can’t imagine any spirits in that house, a place that holds such wonderful memories (like Nan’s sugar cookies) could ever be malevolent.

Now, who wants to tell me a ghost story? One of your ghost stories will be picked to win a signed copy of my first two books in the Brotherhood series: Be Mine Tonight and Night of the Huntress.

Happy Hallowe’en!
Kathryn Smith
Ghost Mistressweeny-pumkin_duck.jpg

UPDATED: Join us tomorrow, November 1st, 2007 for Kathryn’s Guest Author Day. YAYAAY! We are planning way ahead these days ;). And yes that will be fixed by this weekend. Honest!